Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome, baby!

Erin and Scott Maskel, friends of ours through Edward Jones, welcomed a precious baby boy into the world this weekend. Welcome, Carson Michael Maskel! He's a tiny little guy...We can't wait to meet him!!


Today, after much waiting and anticipation, we got the call that we are now proud ticket holders of season tickets to the Colts!!!! We are SO excited! They have huge potential this year to kick butt, and we can't wait to be there when they do. YAY!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday!

Oh what a day! After an evening of working out and a delicious Greek dinner, which I must share the recipe for soon, we sat down for the most wonderful evening!

For Christmas this year, I bought Mike a guitar. He's been wanting one, and I got really excited about him learning to play. For the past four months, he's been teaching himself through internet lessons, asking friends, and just continually practicing on his own. Last night, we sat on the couch for several hours while he tried to pick up new songs-- worship songs and some classic oldies. We learned the strum patterns together, and I sang while Mike played. SO COOL! Granted I will never sing for anyone else to hear, but it was wonderfully sweet to sit with my husband and quite literally, make music together. Melts my heart.

I can't wait for summer nights when we can sit outside around the fire and listen to music by Mike!

Friday, April 18, 2008


This is the long-awaited post of the Macks doing something I never imagined I would!!! We went SKY DIVING!!! It was an incredible experience, unexplainable and difficult to remember as soon as we landed. It was exhilarating, full of adrenaline and a bit nauseating. ha!

This post is way late because I was hoping to find a way to post our sky diving VIDEOS too! However, it just hasn't happened. Their DVD formatting is newer than what we use in the US, so we can only even watch it on our computer. Anyways, the sky diving pictures will have to do. And sometime you will just have to come see our videos for yourself. They are, by far, the coolest things EVER!

I went first... with two other people. Mike and I both had videographers jump with us, so we had to go on separate planes. It probably made things better for me because I had to be more brave. Here's me getting ready to go!

My jumper and me. Am I excited or terrified???

The plane! Yes, it's incredibly tiny. Seven of us squeezed into a plane the size of my couch.

Mike is geared up and ready to go!

A beautiful landing!

Mike absolutely loved it! Although I say it was my first and last jump, he'd definitely go again. Not sure anything can beat jumping out of a plane over the incredible New Zealand landscape, though.

We survived! AMAZING jump! What a rush!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy way-late Birthday, Rachie!

Last weekend we FINALLY celebrated Rachel's 21st birthday! She's been 21 for 14 months now, and last February, our gift to her was to take her out on the town. Well, Shaun just turned 21 six months ago, so we waited so we could take them both out. It was definitely worth the wait!

We made dinner here at the house, and my bartending hubby fixed us up nice with some great martinis. Then we headed downtown to Subterra, our new favorite bar! After a slight mixup, recovering our cover charge at another bar, and a phone call to Sonya, we made it into the "list-only" club. What a fun night! So glad we were finally able to make good on it and show R&S the great time that downtown is.... Hopefully we can make it happen more often, but hopefully we can split the bill next time, too. ha!

We love you guys!

(That's my friend, DJ Lex, from BSU. He was mixin' at the club that night. Holla!)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Saturday night on the town

Saturday night of last weekend we spent with two more of our favorite people... Jennifer & Kevin Mayer! We don't get to see them often, but we love any time we get with them! They got a babysitter for their precious kids, and the adults had a night out on the town.

Weekend Fun!

Last weekend, we had a weekend full of friends and plenty of good times! Friday night was Euchre night at our house. The James', Lands, and friends of the Lands came over for our 2nd Euchre Tournament. SO much fun! Cam kicked all our butts, but we came away with some hilarious stories.

My favorites include Yuka telling her husband "3, 2, 1, decide!" when he wasn't being decisive quickly enough. The other was when Yuka renigged, and Mike said "I'm going to punch you in the face!" Yuka was born and raised in Japan, and we're not sure she knew Mike was kidding.

Most of the pictures are of Sarah because she was more fun to photograph than card games!

Cam, Katie and Sarah

All the girls!
All the guys!

Easter Weekend

It was all about the kiddos this weekend! We got to meet our nephew Connor and spend fun times with Hailey. :)