Monday, October 05, 2009

Playing Catch up!

I'm a month behind, so there will be a post each day for several days! Enjoy our September fun and excitement!

On the 7th, Aunt Abby came down for a visit. We spent a bit catching up, and then we went to the Anderson Orchard for some apple picking and a photo shoot by our favorite photographer!

Aunt Abby did a great job capturing Anabelle's first trip to the orchard!
She loves to stand and apparently loves apples, too.

Papa and Mimi were in town and ended up meeting us at the orchard, too.
Three years ago, Mike and I had our photo taken here. We've added a sweet little apple to our tree!

And she sure loved the watermelons! Look how excited she is. :)

And the hat, which didn't make it to the photo shoot.

That's it for orchard fun day with Aunt Abby & co.


Brooke said...

I LOVE the Anderson Orchard... and cider slushies!

The Pierce Family said...

How cute! I cannot believe how excited she was about the apples! That is so fun! And Anabelle looks adorable! I cannot wait to get together again and see her and you guys too!