Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chatty Cathy

Apparently I have become quite the "Chatty Cathy" this past month because I went way over on my minutes! Since we don't have a house phone, I'm guessing a lot of those minutes came from setting up our new accounts and cancelling old accounts as we moved. Regardless, texting will be my new best friend this month while I try to limit my talk time before 9 PM. If you're on Verizon, we can talk all day! Otherwise, I may have to be selective in my talking time for a while.

This has been a public service announcement by Biz Mack. Sponsored by a grateful husband, I'm sure.


Cam and Katie said...

I'm on Verizon so we can talk all day :)

Molly said...

I have Verizon!!!! Call if you need a chat fix! :)