This week is Baby Nap Time Boot Camp week! Anabelle isn't the greatest napper. She has slept 9 hours plus at night since she was 3 weeks old, so I haven't minded. Basically, she just needs to be moving to sleep well. So naptime has always been in her swing, in the car, or me carrying her in the sling. For the first few months of her life, nap time was snuggle time. I had zero desire to put her down when she slept. I
loved holding her and lovin on her while she slept. As she got a little older, we transitioned to swing naps, which she enjoyed. But once she turned four months old, she started fighting naps in her swing, too. She just fussed, which often turned into screaming, when trying to fall asleep in her swing. We're thinking it's because she's becoming more aware of her surroundings and not wanting to miss anything.
Additionally, I have been losing productivity in the day because I would sit beside her in her swing for up to an hour, trying to get her to fall asleep. She would eventually, but I was wasting so much time! And then I had to be careful not to be too noisy during nap time. All of this madness made me realize this girl needs to start napping in her crib. It may be a tough transition, but it'll be beneficial to both of us. Thus, BNTBC.
Yesterday was day 1. Nap #1 was awesome. I laid her down, and within five minutes she was out. Nap #2 was a tough one. She cried for an hour, with me calming her down every so often, before crashing. Not fun, but somewhat expected. Nap #3 went pretty well, just about 15 minutes of fussing before falling asleep. And the evening nap, we won't even go there. She's teething. 'Nuff said.
Today, day 2, is going relatively well. Nap #1 took about 30 minutes to happen, but I only had to go in twice to soothe her. Nap #2 was super, within 10 minutes she was out. Nap #3 is yet to come. But I'm hopeful. I'm pretty excited and somewhat proud of both of us for the way things are going. And I'm getting so much done! The length of her naps are longer, since she's in a quiet room, and I am not sitting, waiting on her to fall asleep. It's challenging and exciting at the same time!