Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Colby!

We've had a great weekend!! Friday was fantastic as we celebrated Bob & Lea one last time before their wedding. We were officially donned "married couples" as Bob noted after standing around with drinks and chips, chatting together--- being married people. ha! We grilled out, played cornhole, opened gifts, passed around baby Isaak, drank around the fire pit and ended with a few rousing games of Win, Lose or Draw, where the girls creamed the guys!

Yesterday, Mike and I celebrated the Colbster's 5th birthday with the Mayers. We quickly realized we were the only people there without children. Then Mike jumped in the bouncy house to rough house with the five year olds, and we realized that we are the children. :) We had so much fun! Mike and I also got to try out the new Wii video game system, which was a riot! At one point he and Brad Sabelhaus were on their knees, boxing at the air. A seven year old had to drag them away from the game to sing to Colby.

It was wonderful to catch up with Kevin & Jen! Here are a few favorites from the Mayer house...

Colby (right) thinking hard about his wish.

Us with Averi and Colby. Aren't their kids BEAUTIFUL?

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