Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mackaveli Update!

It's been a while since I've been able to write. Our lives have been so busy we've barely had time to even be home this month! And it's just getting crazier. Regardless, I know it's time for a baby update!

We are 16 weeks along right now, and my pregnancy has been wonderful thus far. God has blessed me with no sickness, no abnormalties, and only a teensy bit of craziness. I was exhausted for the last six weeks of the first trimester, but now I am back to a normal level of energy and alertness. No more naps in the parking lot of Kohl's on my lunch hour (Yay!).

We had our first OB appt three weeks ago, heard the heartbeat again and praised the Lord for 160 beats per minute. Everything is great, and we go back on Wednesday the 3rd for our next check up. If all goes as we hope, we will have our discovery ultrasound the week before Christmas so we can start planning in pink or blue!!

We've been tracking my belly, or lack thereof, since we found out we were pregnant. Everyone at work has been teasing me because I don't really look pregnant, yet, when I have a shirt on. I'm okay with that and would love for just a giant belly to appear one day without all the in between sizes and looks-like-I-have-skipped-the-gym-for-months appearance. But as long as Mackaveli is happy and healthy in there, I don't care what I look like!

(SEE, there IS a belly there!)

We will keep you posted on the exciting news when we find out!


Anonymous said...

Biz you look great. Hope you guys are doing well.

Cam and Katie said...

We can't wait to meet Baby Mack!

The Pierce Family said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going well. I too have been blessed with no sickness or anything. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well, and yes, please keep us posted, since we are not there to see you and chat. We love you all, and you look great!

thegroves said...

YAY for belly shots!!!! You look awesome, and I totally see the "bump." :) (This is the only time I can get away with saying that!) You're beautiful! LOVE YOU!