Tuesday, March 18, 2008

NZ Teaser

A few teaser photos from you of our incredible trip to New Zealand. No, these aren't stock photos! They are unbelievable, though!!

And, yes, we're still alive! Can't wait to share our crazy adventures with you!


Molly said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! You have succesfully teased me....I want to see more! Give me a call when you have a free minute, I want to hear all about it! Abby told me you guys got back a day late! Good thing that happened on that end instead of being a day late leaving!!! (HA) Glad you're both back and safe!!!!!!

thegroves said...

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to see more and hear stories! It looks INCREDIBLE!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't even know you guys were headed there. We really are not calling each other enough! Looks like an incredible trip and I can't wait to hear more!
