Thursday, September 17, 2009


I don't have an organized post yet, but I wanted to put up some of the latest pictures of our baby girl! On September 6th, we went over to the Harberts' house to celebrate Lily's 2nd birthday! Here's Sonya and me with Anabelle (and Connor). Anabelle doing her new favorite thing, eating her hand!
And again! These are her two favorite fingers. She stopped taking a pacifier at about 2 months, but recently with the discovery of her hands and grabbing objects, she has also learned to find these fingers.

And, of course, Colts season started!! There's a very significant event that happened that weekend, but I'll post about it later. For now, here's our little cheerleader with her Mimi.

1 comment:

The Pierce Family said...

How cute! And I am super jealous! You little girl can wear shoes! Zowie's feet are still so little. I have a pair of white snadels that are size 0 and they still fall right off her feet! I am really hoping she grows here soon!