Friday, February 23, 2007

Bowling, Anyone?

We had a Campbell & Co. family night to get everyone together after my parents returned from Mexico and before my mom left for Florida for six weeks. It was quite the entertaining evening! First of all, we met in Anderson! For everyone besides the Fergusons, this isn't the ideal location, but it was half way between the college girls and the grown ups. hehe.

We went out to dinner, hit up the sweet bowling lanes for some good family competition and then topped it off with DQ to feed my craving.

Mike & Me showing our nice faces

My mom & dad

Abby, Rachel and me with our "Strike" poses

The Campbell & Co. clan.... it's growing! The newest face is Rachie's new beau, Shaun! He's a trooper to put up with us.

If anyone dares to take on Mike & me, we're quite the bowlers! and we're fun, too!


Anonymous said...

Hey Biz!!! Glad to see you are doing great!! We would love to take you and Mike on at bowling! We need to get together sometime soon!!! Miss you! Karla

thegroves said...

Rachel's beau is very cute! Way to go Rachel!! ;)