Sunday, November 08, 2009

Are We Sure?

Are we SURE we want our 5 month old staying with her grandparents when we get pictures texted to us of this?

Mike and I dropped Anabelle off at Papa & Mimi's last night for another overnight so we could tailgate and go to the Colts' game today. We had a wonderful day (with beautiful weather!), but we are afraid she might have had too good of a day. Tio and Tia (Tony & Joy) brought ribs to celebrate my dad's birthday, and everyone there thought it'd be funny to stage Anabelle like she'd eaten some.

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it. After laughing, I then feel bad for Anabelle who was probably dying to lick that BBQ sauce off of her cheeks. She would have given anything to have a taste of the goodness. (No, she did not eat any of it! Don't go calling our doctor...)


Molly said...

hahaha.....she's going to have a rib phobia!!! :)

The Pierce Family said...

Too cute! My mom did something like that with Isaak, only it was cookies! Grandparents...they just can't get enough of their grandbabies!