Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Laundry Help

Anabelle's nap times have gradually decreased from 45 minutes to 35 minutes to now 25 minutes per nap. It drives me crazy because I can't do anything productive, really, in 25 minutes! So, I put her to work helping me with laundry yesterday. She seemed to enjoy it!
As long as she's happy and sleeping 12 hours at night, I refuse to complain too often about her lack of napping.


The Beniks said...

How cute! I just posted pics of Lola helping me with laundry today too! How funny :) I cant believe she only naps for 25 minutes at a time. What a stinker! But how could you possibly be mad at that sweet face? I love her cheeks so much and her bows!!! She is such a doll. But I seriously dont know how you get anything done?!? Luckily, Lola still naps great but they are all in her swing so Im way scared about how naps will turn out once they have to be in her crib. Ive never been able to get her to go down anywhere else!!

The Saunders Family said...

we have been having some napping woes here too...but teeth are popping in, so I imagine it is that...let's pray for your sake that it's just a passing phase!