Monday, July 07, 2008

Regional Meetings

Two weekends ago we spent five days in beautiful Fontana, Wisconsin-- also known as Chicago's playland. We were there for Edward Jones Regional Meetings where the brokers have meetings in the mornings, and then we have activities/free time/etc during the day and fun dinners in the evenings. It was great to catch up with old friends and make new ones, too!

Since the drive was longer than usual (5.5 hours) a lot of people left their kiddos at home, which was PERFECT for us! We had fun getting to spend time with friends who are usually chasing small children around all night. We also got to hit the local dives for late night beverages and gettin' down to a shady band. It was fantastic! A perfect getaway.

Here's our virtual scavenger hunt. There were 4 teams of about 30 people sprinting around this resort. I'm sure they l-o-v-e-d us.

Yes, a bathroom. Bleh! Something to do with Myrtle the Turtle in Harry Potter.

And one of the incredible boats at the boat show behind the resort!

One of the great parts about this trip is that my parents went, too! The four of us rode up to the resort together and got some good quality time in.

This is after the boat cruise through Lake Geneva. We toured behind unbelievable lake homes -- mostly old money like the founder of Post Cereal! Nobody thinks about him, do they?

My sweet hubby and me after the cruise.

Troy and Mike. An evening at Chuck's. Need I say more?

(p.s. He'll kill me if he knew this was on here, but I'm scouting for a good Christian woman for this guy. He's pretty much my favorite unmarried man!!)

The awards banquet on Saturday night was our grown up night! Mike cleaned up with many successes in 2007. He's kicking butt, and Regionals recognize those achievements. My dad also scored an incredible feat this year. I was a proud wife and daughter!!

Mike getting one of the big awards. (Had to throw this in there)

Next year, we're headed to Hueston Woods again! Can't wait!!

1 comment:

thegroves said...

WAHOO! Way to go Mike Mack! PS- Your moms new 'do is SO CUTE!