Saturday, January 09, 2010

Snow Week

It's been a long week. Anabelle is feeling much better, thankfully. Her tummy is still battling the second round of antibiotics, so she's not 100%, but she is close. Her test results all came back normal, too, so it was just ear infections! We got a lot of snuggle time in the past two weeks, and she has become quite close to her carseat, having slept in it every night since before Christmas. I think she really likes the comfort and closeness it provides.

The week has been long, though, because we've been snowed in! It has been far too cold, and my baby has been too sick to even think about going outside. By Friday, I needed new activities. So, I shot some photos. The sun cooperated. So did Anabelle. And I give you these. You can tell she isn't up to par because there are no smiles. But I love the serious faces. She's very serious a lot of the time!

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