Thursday, February 19, 2009

28 weeks!

Here's me at 28 weeks! She's growing quickly -- now about 14 inches long and weighing 2 pounds. She is quite the mover, too. In light of last week's excitements, her heartbeat has since been monitored four times. Every time, the doctor, nurse or tech is amazed at how quickly she escapes the monitoring device. Last week, I fell asleep on my back, which is a no-no. Mike let me lay there for a few minutes and apparently decided he'd see if babygirl was awake. She was, and she put on what he called "A lightning storm" for him for about 10 minute. Since then, our new favorite thing to do before falling asleep is spending about ten minutes with babygirl while she somersaults around in there. It's unbelievable how much she moves when I lay down!!!

We went to my parents' house Friday, and my dad wanted to feel his grandbaby move. I didn't have anything for him all night. So, just before we left, I laid down on the couch to see if we'd get some action. Sure enough, he got to feel her for quite a while. Something about being still and limiting her playground.... It's incredible!

More pictures of our first baby shower and the other fun happenings of late to come! We leave for Cali on Saturday for my big work event, the Winner's Circle!

1 comment:

thegroves said...

Yeah! You look great! We, too, always enjoyed those sweet moments before bedtime! I read that babies don't move alot during the day b/c your walking and talking puts them to sleep... so when you lay down (and stop moving) they wake up! Too funny!