Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pregnancy Woes

There are very few things I can complain about with my pregnancy. And, let me just say, I LOVE being pregnant! I have felt fabulous, apparently have "the glow," and am generally happy all of the time. The usual tiredness came and went in the first trimester. Since then, it's been smooth sailing.

But I have a few frustrations that as I sit here and try to digest my snack, I must share! I pretty much have to stand up half way through a meal to let it digest down before I can keep eating. So weird! It'll be really inconvenient when we're at some fancy dinner and I excuse myself to stand & digest. :)

The only other complaint I have is watching Mike prime and paint the nursery while I have to wait down the hall. The fumes were really strong, so there's no chance I will help, but it's difficult for me to let him do all the work!

That's all. I love this girl and being pregnant with her!!! Praise God for an easy pregnancy!


Molly said...

You are soooo blessed!! God wants you to have 10 kids, that's why He's making it so easy! :)

sand said...

For future reference (i'm thinking to paint a room after baby is here):

I almost bought the Yolo brand...gorgeous colors!

"Zero VOC - Any paint with VOC's in the range of 5 grams/litre or less can be called "Zero VOC", according to the EPA Reference Test Method 24. Some manufacturers may claim "Zero-VOC's", but these paints may still use colorants, biocides and fungicides with some VOC's.
Adding a color tint usually brings the VOC level up to 10 grams/liter, which is still quite low."

Brooke said...

Congrats! I felt great for a majority of my pregnancy too and feel so lucky. I'm about 37 weeks in now though and my feet are so swollen and ick. I'm hoping you don't hit this phase. It's getting closer. We only have a couple of weeks left until we meet our little guy!