Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sweet Friends!

A few weekends ago, Stace & Aim came into town for a mini-reunion. It was supposed to include husbands, too, but things come up and plans change. But we had a wonderful time catching up and getting some real time with eachother! It's so tough to manage that when we live hours apart and our lives get so busy.

As a surprise bonus to the weekend, we just happened to talk to Jenners and Mindy who were in town for the weekend and got to spend a few hours with them, too. Talk about an Alpha Chi reunion! Between the five of us, one has had a baby in the last year, two are pregnant and due within two weeks of eachother, and another is planning her wedding in August. SO much girly stuff to be excited about. And we crammed it into a few hours on Saturday!

Here are the five of us, plus Addie!
And here is Miss Addie with the bunny ears I couldn't resist getting for her (and a few other of my favorite little girls)

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