Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby Update

We went to the doctor today... I haven't progressed since our last appointment so we had to make a decision on when to induce. My belly was measuring small, which is probably because she's dropped so much, but they decided to do an ultrasound. We got to see our sweet girl on the inside one more time, and she's doing wonderfully! Based on measurements, they estimated her to be 8.5 lbs. Yikes! After learning that, we opted to not wait another the almost 2 weeks that they gave us as option 2. Instead, we went with option one to induce on MONDAY!

Mike and I will go in on Sunday to the hospital, and I'll get Cervadil. We'll hang out, probably watch movies and rest Sunday night. Monday morning they plan to start me on Pitocin and get this party started. I'm a bit nervous about being induced because everything we've learned says it can make for a longer and harder labor. Your prayers would be appreciated! Otherwise, we are thrilled to have Anabelle arriving as planned, and it's so nice to actually plan on a date and time.

We made lots of calls and text announcements about it today. Unfortunately, my sister Rachel can't be home because of finals, and Mike's dad will be out of state next week. But the most important thing is that Anabelle arrives safely and in good health!


Molly said...

I can't wait to meet her!!!!!!!! We will pray your induction goes much MUCH better than ours did with Morgan!!!! We want to come see you as soon as you're ready so put us near the top of your call list!!! :)

Diva said...

Yeah! Its 1 day before my guess, but I suppose that's OK! I'm praying for a safe and easy delivery :)

The Rausch's said...

Yay!! How exciting!!!

Unknown said...

Sending loads of prayers and hugs your way! :)

The Pierce Family said...

It will be okay! I am sure everything will go wonderfully! And I am sure that even though you are being induced, you will do great! I cannot wait to meet her!

Jimmy & Emily said...

Good luck this weekend! Jimmy and I are waiting to see her! Oh, I love the nursery by the way; she's going to love it!

The Fergusons said...

YAH!!! So excited for you guys!

The Fergusons said...

Yah!! So excited for you guys!

Medley Family said...

My prayers are with you! I am praying that perhaps you could still go into labor on your own. I was scheduled to be induced with Chloe but on the evening I was suppose to go in to start cervidil I went into labor on my own. I checked in at noon and was 3cm. I did end up having petosin to speed it up a bit. Although it was longer than Owen, I was never in pain and just enjoyed hanging out with family and playing games in a new environment (hospital room) soo just because it may be long doesnt mean you will be in pain. I delivered Chloe at 3am 15 hours after I checked in but I was never in any pain and went from 5cm to 10 and then delivering Chloe in just 3 minutes and only 3 pushes. Sometimes those meds can speed you up so no worries. Ill be praying for you though and I cannot wait to see photos! Best of luck!