Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I love giant, slightly obnoxious bows on little girls. They are adorable! It took me a while to get them on my own baby's head, but now I might permanently attach one to her head. I just love her latest graduation in bow sizes!

Now I need to get more ribbon so I can make one to coordinate with all of her oufits!


The Pierce Family said...

Very Cute! I cannot wait for Zowie to get big enough so that I can put a headband on her, and it actually stay there. I only have two right now, and they are both so big, as soon as I put them on her, they fall over her eyes, and then down around her chin. Hopefully it will happen soon!

Molly said...

haha....your description of slightly obnoxious cracked me up!! It is sooooooo cute!!!!!!!

This is that site I was telling you about the other day...