Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Is it possible?

We are trying to figure out if it's possible that Anabelle is teething yet. She has started drooling like she is responsible for supplying her own bath water. It's unreal! And the past two days she has spent chewing her tongue like a little baby cow. My family swears they see little tooth buds showing through, too. So, I ask you, is it possible for my little 8 week old to be teething already??

We'll ask the doctor tomorrow at her 8 week appt, but I wondered if anyone else had experienced this. I know she's advanced in size and development, but really??


The Pierce Family said...

I don't know! It sounds to me like it's more of the idea that she has discovered her tounge and not really that she would be teething yet, but you never know. My mom actually had a friend that had a baby, and her little one was born with one of his front teeth, so I guess anything is possible. Isaak got his first one early, and that was at 5 months, but who knows. I am interested in hearing what the doctor has to say!

The Goodknights said...

I by no means know much about teething seeing that cole has yet to get his first tooth, although we swear he's getting close the way he has been shoving anything in his mouth lately. But from about 7 weeks on this kid has worn a bib due to the amount of drool that he produces. Our doc told us it was just that they don't have the muscle coordination to control their tongue yet therefore they drool. So for the past 5 months we have had every cute outfit covered up with a drool bib to catch it all! We're awaiting the teeth hoping we can get rid of drool bibs!

The Saunders Family said...

My nephew got his at about 3 months...but our little girl(7 weeks) is also drooling alot. At this age I think it's normal to produce a lot of extra saliva and they don't swallow so well yet. With our first I always had a wet spot on me from where she drooled.

medea said...

my child drools constantly and has been since he was 2 months old. no teeth yet two months later. for some reason, people our parents' age associate all drooling with teething. Lindsey is right- it's because they don't have ability to control it yet. but anything is possible I guess, right?

thegroves said...

It's possible, but Addie did the same thing and didn't get her first tooth until her 6 mo b-day. She chewed on any and everything possible though!