Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sleep Talker

In case you didn't believe me that she talks all the time, here is Anabelle at 5 and 7 weeks, talking-- while sleeping. (Sorry the first one is sideways!)

...Don't forget to press pause on the music at the bottom of the blog to hear her better!...

We love to listen to her talk all the time, and it's especially precious in her sleep! When I have her in my moby wrap at the grocery, she'll sleep through the whole trip and talk the entire time. I sometimes laugh out loud just listening to her. It's so sweet!!


RJ said...

this is adorable!! how sweet. (ps a little hard to hear w/ your background music:)

The Pierce Family said...

That is so funny! And very cute! But I can definately understand why she needed to move to her own room!