Monday, July 06, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

It was a wonderful Fourth of July despite the nasty weather and rain all day! Sixty family members filled my parents' house for our Annual Get Together. Anabelle was thoroughly spoiled and met many more people that day. Here she is in her sweet 4th of July outfit from Aunt Deb! (Her bow somehow avoided all photos, but it was there and adorable)
Anabelle's Great-Grandma Wittig, Mimi, Auntie Rachie and Auntie Abby Anabelle's cousin Megan and her boyfriend, Robby.
It was a long day of fun, rain, family and fireworks! She was tuckered out at the end!!

Anabelle was SO tuckered out that she would not wake up for ANYTHING at 11PM when we were trying to arouse her. Aunt Rachie tried, mommy tried, and she was out cold. So daddy went to work with some of his famous dance moves. After getting her a little bit awake, he then resorted to guitar playing with her. Check out her skills---

1 comment:

The Saunders Family said...

How fun, we had the same patriotic outfit for Anna...also a gift!