Sunday, July 26, 2009

We're Home!

And SO very thankful to be! Bags are unpacked. Laundry is in motion. Dishwasher is unloaded and reloaded. Fridge has been emptied. Baby has been loved on and loved on some more. We are so glad to be home! And we're very thankful to the Lands and Jameses for making delicious dinners to come home to and to the Harberts for mowing our yard! What a relief to not have to worry about those things!

Our bed and Anabelle's will be little bits of heaven tonight. Thanks for all of your prayers!


The Pierce Family said...

I am so glad to hear you are home. If there is anything you need, don't hesitate to call!

sand said...

SO glad to hear you are home and sweet Anabelle is feeling better. We've been thinking about you all so much!